Code of Ethics
2.1 Ethics Code
Four Points Technology, LLC will conduct business honestly and ethically wherever operations are maintained. We strive to improve the quality of our services, products, and operations and will maintain a reputation for honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust, and sound business judgment. Our managers and employees are expected to adhere to high standards of business and personal integrity as a representation of our business practices, at all times consistent with their duty of loyalty to the Company.
Employees may not bribe anyone for any reason, whether in dealings with governments or the private sector. The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and similar laws in other countries, prohibit offering or giving anything of value, directly or indirectly, to government officials in order to obtain or retain business. Employees may not make illegal payments to government officials themselves or through a third party. Employees who are conducting business with the government officials of any country must contact the Legal Department for guidance on the law governing payments and gifts to governmental officials.
We expect that officers, directors, and employees will not knowingly misrepresent the Company and will not speak on behalf of the Company unless specifically authorized. The confidentiality of trade secrets, proprietary information, and similar confidential commercially-sensitive information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product development, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.) about the Company or operations, or that of our customers or partners, is to be treated with discretion and only disseminated on a need-to-know basis (see policies relating to privacy).
Violation of the Code of Ethics can result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment. The degree of discipline imposed may be influenced by the existence of voluntary disclosure of any ethical violation and whether or not the violator cooperated in any subsequent investigation.